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Why not upgrade to the full version?
Our 3 Step Introductory Guide was just the tip of the Digital Marketing iceberg.
This 50+ page eBook contains our deep–dive, hardcore content - explaining step by step, click by click, what you have to do to create and implement a high-performance, tailored digital marketing strategy.
How to do Digital Marketing Bundle
19.50$  49.99$
In our comprehensive 50+ pages eBook version, you’ll take a deep dive into an extraordinary breadth of knowledge and the precise steps to put it all into action.
You’ll gain access to every tool you need in your digital marketing war chest.

A template for you to audit your website and make sure you’ve covered everything.

A template to create your customer avatar – a must for any business, identify your ideal client so you can reach them in the right way, in the right place for the right results.

Just Some of What You Will Learn

Creating Powerful Sales Funnels
How to nurture more customers on their journey to conversion
Best Practice SEO Strategies
Optimising for search engines – what ranks high, what gets blocked
Measure, Develop, Intensify
How to supercharge your paid ads for maximum ROI

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In our short guide we outlined the fundamental advantages of online advertising and the huge impact it can make on the success of your business
You can now upgrade and get the full golden version.

In our comprehensive eBook version, you’ll take a deep dive into an extraordinary breadth of knowledge and the precise steps to put it all into action.
Over 50 pages you’ll gain access to every tool you need in your digital marketing war chest.

Learn the most common pitfalls and their solutions – laid out in exacting but easy-to-follow detail.

Creating effective sales funnels…

Measuring ROI… 

Do you know your cost per click?

Structuring paid ads for maximum effect.

Optimising for search engines – what ranks high, what gets blocked.

How to avoid burning valuable budget dollars for no results.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Every process of every marketing technique in this eBook is broken down step by step.

You’ll be amazed – and grateful - at the depth of information at your fingertips.
Providing an invaluable reference for you and your team.
This has everything we couldn’t possibly fit into our introductory guide.

But there’s still more…

Download this eBook now and you’ll receive 2 Free bonuses:

First - A template for you to audit your website and make sure you’ve covered everything.

Plus - A template to create your customer avatar – a must for any business, identify your ideal client so you can reach them in the right way for the right results.

What I’m describing to you now can only scratch the surface.

To see how much value is in this eBook you really need to see it for yourself – gain access now.

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